a lost zillennial

Hello, world! (On growing up)

As you see from the top of my page, I am a zillennial (between Gen Z and millennial generations, for the uninitiated). I started "adult life" about six months ago, and wow! This is tough!

I'm lucky though. I have a good job that I like sometimes and feel proud to hold. I get to live on my own but be near family, which makes me feel less alone. I am interested in a few hobbies that help me escape — reading, playing games, crafting.

In high school, we were prepared for college out the wazoo to the point of exasperation. I got to my campus and did well in class and all that good stuff, but I quickly realized that there's only so much high school taught us. Now I had to feed myself, stay on top of friendships, do my laundry, pay for groceries, and find time to sleep in between all of that and class. That was the hard part. Sure, I learned to do a little bit of that at home with chores and the like, but I had supportive parents who helped with all that so I could have the time and energy to do well in school and get some free money.

I'm out of college now (and very happy about it), and I have once again realized there's only so much those four years could prepare me to do. I got a job and had to conceptualize when I want to retire. When I want to retire!! Retiring never even seemed like something I'd get to do, but according to my Roth IRA, I guess I'll be getting there around 2065. A fake year.

Money stresses me out, and I (most of the time) even have enough of it. I thought about trying to get a job with a higher wage, then I thought about freelance writing. I am, however, but a child. A wee baby. Freelancing is apparently (obviously) hard when you don't have a niche, and I sure don't have one of those. Writing more seemed like something I could do that would help at least a little, and I think my therapist may need a break. So, blog it is!
